Buddleja davidii Butterfly Candy® Little Purple
品种特性 醉鱼草蝴蝶糖果是个丰花的系列。花朵散发着淡淡的甜香,非常吸引蝴蝶和蜜蜂,这使得该蝴蝶糖果系列非常适应生物多样性。所有品种都枝繁叶茂,其尺寸大小也非常适合容器和小型花园种植。该系列适宜生长在光照充足、排水良好的肥沃土壤中,可耐寒至零下18℃。醉鱼草蝴蝶糖果@小紫的株型非常紧凑,株高和冠幅均为80cm,整体自然圆润,拥有深紫色花朵。 所获奖项 2021年皇家博斯科普园艺协会(KVBC)夏季挑战赛铜奖
Variety characteristics Buddleja Butterfly Candy is a very floriferous series. The flowers have a light, sweet fragrance and they are very attractive to butterflies and bees. This makes the Butterfly Candy series great for biodiversity. All the varieties are well-branched and because of their size ideal for containers and smaller gardens. Place Butterfly Candy in full sun in a well-drained, fertile soil. Hardy to -18 ℃. Buddleja Butterfly Candy Little Purple has a very compact plant size of 80 cm high and wide and a naturally rounded habit. Little Purple has intense purple flowers. Awards Bronze Award KVBC Summer Challenge 2021