‘Drunken Beauty’
品种特性 常绿乔木或灌木,该品种叶片从初期的紫红逐渐变为水红色、粉白色、后变绿,从水红色阶段整叶面出现不均匀绿色斑点,叶柄紫红色,幼枝每节呈现紫红到黄绿色的渐变,方向由上至下。 适应性强,喜光,对土壤要求不严格,在酸性和中性土上均可生长,较耐干旱瘠薄;生长快,寿命长,易繁殖。 适种范围 可在华东、华中、西南及华南地区栽植。
Variety characteristics Evergreen trees or shrubs, the leaves of this variety gradually changed from purplish red at the initial stage to water red and pink-white, and then to green. From the water red stage, uneven green spots appear on the whole leaves and the petiole purplish red, each node of the young branches showed a gradual change from purplish red to yellowish green, and the direction is from top to bottom. It has strong adaptability, sun-loving, not strict requirements for soil, can grow on both acidic and neutral soil, and is more resistant to drought and barren. Fast growth, long life span, easy to reproduce. Suitable ranges It can be planted in East, Central, Southwest and South of China. |