‘Changan Jade Pot’
品种特性 常绿小乔木,树冠卵形,紧凑。秋季11~12月,会有部分两年生叶片掉落。树皮灰色,一年生小枝绿色、绿褐色,多少被棕红色短柔毛;二至三年生小枝,绿色或灰绿色,皮孔明显。叶革质、薄革质,叶面深绿色,叶背面灰绿色,被浅棕色平伏柔毛;叶片椭圆形、倒卵状狭椭圆形。花蕾腋生,长圆形,被红棕色柔毛,花被片黄色、浅黄色,花开杯状,盛开时,花被片外张略平展呈碟状,外轮花被黄色,内轮花被黄色。成熟聚合蓇葖果绿色、红绿色,圆柱形。花期3月下旬~4月上中旬,果熟期8月下旬到9月上旬。 适种范围 郑州、西安、杭州、成都、深圳及其气候环境相似区域(7b-11区)。 Variety characteristics Evergreen small trees, crown ovate and compact. Some biennial leaves will fall from November to December in autumn. Bark gray, annual branchlets green or green-brown, covered brownish-red pubescent; biennial to triennial branchlets green or grayish green, clear lenticular. Leaves leathery or thinly leathery, leaf surface dark green and leaf abaxially grayish green, covered with pale brown flat pilose; leaf blade elliptic or obovate narrowly elliptic. Buds axillary, oblong, reddish brown pilose, tepals yellow or pale yellow, flowers cup-shaped, when in full bloom, the perianth is slightly flat disc shape, the outer perianth is yellow and the inner is yellow. Mature aggregate follicles green or red-green, cylindrical. The florescence is from late March to early-mid April, and the fruit maturing is from late August to early September. Suitable ranges It is suitable for Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen and similar climate environment areas (7b-11 zones). |