品种特性 花芳香;花瓣边缘褶皱,呈紫粉色;花期3月中旬;花色粉艳、花量繁密、观赏性好。适应性广、喜水、喜肥、喜光,较耐旱。 适种范围 适于粤北、华东、华中、西南等区域种植。
Variety characteristics Fragrant flowers; wrinkled edge of petals, with purplish-pink in flower color; the florescence is in mid-March, blooms abundantly, and has good ornamental. It adapts to different environments, like water, like fertilizer, like light and more drought-tolerance. Suitable ranges It is suitable for planting in Northern Guangdong, Eastern China, Central China, Southwest China and other areas. |